
7th km of Larisa Kozanis, 41500                      

+30 2410 831444                      


Mon.- Fri.: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Mon.- Fri.: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
7th km of Larisa Kozanis, 41500                      

The changes in the working time of truck and tour bus drivers

The changes in the working time of truck drivers and tourist buses

In addition, the new law only refers to the European Regulations that define them working and rest hours of drivers, on the basis of which employers should submit the above changes, while it is not possible no mention in the route book the fate of which (repeal or retention) will be followed by a relevant decision Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Specifically, in article 78 paragraph b, it is defined that:

"b. The employer that concerns car truck drivers and tourist buses which are built or configured in a permanent way and suitable for the transport of more than nine people, as well as Intercity and Urban Buses that employ bus drivers and have Labor Regulations, governed by Regulations (EC) 561/2006 and ( E.K.) 165/2014, are obliged to register any change or modification of the schedule or the organization of the employees' working time, as well as legal under the law overtime, in P.S. ERGANI fifteen (15) days After the end of each weekly work period. When a change or modification of the working hours or the organization of the working time or overtime employment is found by the competent auditing bodies, without this having been registered in the P.S. INSTRUMENT 15 days after the end of each weekly work period, imposed by act of the competent body at the expense of the employer sanctions, in accordance with articles 24 and 28 of Law 3996/2011".

And at another point, in the next article 79 of the new law (paragraph g) it is specified that a relevant decision of the Ministry of Labor will follow for the implementation of the above provision, such as "the registration procedure, the information disclosed and any other necessary details for the implementation of article 78".

Digital card – Itinerary book

Here we should note that throughout Europe the driving/rest hours of drivers determined by the Community Regulations 561/2006 and 165/2014 and on the basis of these the controls are carried out by the competent authorities of each EU state.

At this point, we must mention the introduction of the digital card that applies to all employees. However, in the case of truck and bus drivers, the digital card could be applied to commercial and other businesses that have I.X. Trucks or cars Buses, whose drivers usually follow specific working hours.

The digital card for Public Use truck and bus drivers is considered inapplicable. As we all know, Public Use vehicle drivers start routes from different places and at different times.

Regardless of the digital card, In Greece, as is also known, the route book (established by law in 1938) in which the driver must write the 8 hours he will work, thus making the employer "illegal", because of course in today's working conditions of professional drivers, it is practically difficult to impossible to apply a schedule with a start time and an end time.

After all, this is also the reason for the establishment of the Community regulations that provide for different routes with different starting times, etc., but including the strict provision of any violation of the driving/rest hours, for which a violation is strictly foreseen fines until 10.000 euros.

But at the same time in Greece, the itinerary book is also valid, for which strict penalties are also provided, as non-observance of it constitutes a significant violation based on the relative categorization of violations.

And since the community regulations cannot be unilaterally amended by Greece, it remains to be seen whether in the expected implementation decision of the Ministry of Labor the route book will be maintained or abolished and how the digital work card will be used.
